Sound-Rec Options:

Sound-Rec accepts the following options, either on the command-line, or from the Options menu-button:

  • -start_seqnum   xx
    Starts file-naming sequence at the given number, xx. Normally, the recorded file numbers start at 1 and go upward. This option is useful, for example, when a previous recording session was interrupted, and you now wish to resume numbering after the last recording.

  • -max_seqnum   xx
    Stops recording after specified sequence number. This is useful, if you wish to walk away and record unattended a limited number of cuts.

  • -startdelay   xx
    Delays the start of recording for the specified number of minutes. Minutes can be fractional. Example: 1.5 = 1 minute and 30 seconds. Or, 0.1 minutes = 6-seconds. This can be used to queue recording for a specific event.

  • -timelimit   xx
    Stops recording after the specified amount to recording time. This is useful in combination with -startdelay, above. For example, suppose you wish to record something at 8:00 for one hour, and it is now 5:30. You can set the -startdelay for 150 minutes (2.5 hours) and the -timelimit to 60 minutes, then walk away.

  • -filter_command   xx
    Calls your specified user-script or filter-program, xx, on each recorded file. This is handy if you wish to process the recorded sound files in some way. For example, you might wish to scan the recordings to collect measurements, or to send the file(s) to some other place as they are made.

    Your specified program-command will be invoked with the just recorded file-name, as soon as the recording on a given file stops, such as when the Record-Stop or Split buttons are pressed, or when a recording is Auto-Split by time-outs, -- but before any OGG or MP3 conversion occurs. Normally, ALSA records to .wav format. If you selected WAV as the output format, then your program will be invoked with the output file name. However, if you selected another output format, then your filter-program will be invoked with a temporary intermediate file name, prior to conversion to the selected output format. Your filter program cannot be invoked as a background task, because we would need to wait for your filter program to complete processing the .wav file before initiating the final conversion to OGG or MP3. Therefore, if your "filter-program" takes a while to run, and you do not wish to miss recording any ongoing material, then select WAV and make a small script that runs in background-nice mode, which will run your filter program, and if needed, convert and delete the .wav file.

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